Mommy has a lovely friend named Raven who she knows from Cavalier Connection. Raven is mommy to a tri boy named Cicero who is Aidan's long lost twin. The two of them look so alike and here is an example.
Here is a picture of Aidan's legs

Here is a picture of Cicero's

They both share the black leggings look Mommy calls it as the back of their legs are completely black.
Whats funny is Cicero is the reason why Aidan has the blue Spring Puppia. Mommy loved the way it looked on Cicero she had to have one for her little boy too!
Here is Cicero modeling his Puppia

And here is Aidan modeling his

So anyways a few weeks ago Raven posted about this beautiful pillow case she had made for Cicero.

Mommy was so amazed that Raven made that herself and commented to Cicero's Mommy. Well today in the mail Ellie and Aidan both received their very own pillow cases hand made by Raven herself. Mommy promptly stuffed them with a pillow and took these pictures.
Aidan's pillow

Look at the stitch work

Ellie's pillow

Stitch work

And she even personalized them!

I tried to get the pups to take pictures on them but they were too busy playing!

I eventually got Ellie to settle on hers

And Aidan felt left out so he jumped on too

After dinner Ill try to get then on Aidan's.
Look how happy Ellie is with her new pillow!!!!!!

Thank you so much Raven and Cicero! We love them and really think you should go into business or something!!! Can we hire you to make our throw pillows for our new couch?!?!?