Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Camera New Pictures

We got a new camera thanks to Loki's Mommy's wonderful recomendation. Its a Canon Powershot S3 IS. In truth Daddy's camera was starting to act up and he wanted a new one and I told him how Loki's Mommy and Daddy just got this one and liked it a lot. Mommy will pretend Daddy got the camera so we could get better shots of our Princess rather the shot drink shots for his bar menu =P

So Daddy woke up bright and early today to get his new toy. Sadly Circuit City was not open till 10 like Mommy told him so he had to wait despite rising at 7. Mommy is slaving away at work so Daddy sent her these through email.

Mommy will be having a field day after she gets home so stayed tuned!

Also Ellie's photoshoot in Central Park is scheduled for this Sunday! Woohoo!!!


Xarien said...

How do you guys like the camera?

Vi said...

Ooh! I love that second picture!